Shareholder Non-Executive Director (LCC)
Local Pensions Partnership
Alan is also a Member of the LPP and LPPI Remuneration and Nomination Committees
Councillor Schofield was elected to Lancashire County Council in May 2013 and re-elected in 2017. Prior to becoming a County Councillor, Alan held senior financial management posts in the Water Services industry at several locations, before moving to a local government career in 1992. He served in a metropolitan borough in Greater Manchester and then progressed upward at three local authorities in Cumbria and Lancashire, retiring in 2011. Alan is a life member of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA).
At Lancashire, he is a member of the Pension Fund Committee (currently Deputy Chair); and participated from the outset in the high level working party deliberating on, and overseeing, the preparations and approval stages toward achieving the April 2016 establishment of LPP. Also at Lancashire County Council, Alan chairs the Audit, Risk and Governance Committee. Outside the county council, Alan is the LCC appointed governor on a primary and a high school governing board, a Trustee Director of a Citizens Advice Bureau and a Parish Councillor.