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It is one of LPPI’s core Responsible Investment beliefs that, as providers of capital, investors have influence.

We seek to encourage high standards of corporate governance in the enterprises we invest in by promoting practices and behaviours that are in the long-term best interests of investors and wider stakeholders.

The routes we use for exercising ownership influence vary by asset class and context, spanning direct representation on company boards, shareholder voting and engagement, representation on investor and advisory committees and participation in partnerships and collaborations with other investors.

In addition to engaging with companies, we are also an advocate for progressive policy. We join other investors in promoting a fruitful context for sustainable investment through purposeful stewardship focussed on identifying and addressing barriers.
Three colleagues in a meeting with a window behind them. Two middle-aged, white women wear glasses and young man is typing on a laptop that they are gathered around.
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Working in partnership
Partnerships and collaborations offer the opportunity for greater influence.

We actively seek initiatives that can help us achieve our priorities through collaborations that address common concerns, share resources, and work together to efficiently co-ordinate joint efforts. We are involved in a range of ongoing collaborations in both the investment and stewardship space.

Engagement is a time consuming and resource intensive activity and for listed investments we partner with an external provider to extend the reach of our in-house investment team. The Active Ownership Team at Robeco assists us to deliver an engagement strategy for our Global Equity and Fixed Income portfolios.

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LPPI quarterly engagement headlines for public markets Q2 2024
The dashboard below provides quarterly information on engagement activity. Metrics show where activities were focused by the topics covered (number of individual cases), the form of engagement (by method), the sectors of companies engaged, and the company location by region.

The final metric illustrates the progress made on each engagement theme. Each horizontal bar shows what proportion of engagements have been successful or unsuccessful and what proportion are showing positive, flat or negative progress.